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Ground Hog Day Cookie Recipes

Memorial plaque


When Bill was a cadet at the Air Force Academy, he referred to the period between Christmas and spring break as The Long Dark: cadets get up in the dark and go to dinner in the dark, mail boxes are often dark and empty, and so are wallets. In response, I sent him cookies in the shape of dark holes for Ground Hog Day. After Bill died, his friends and family endowed a memorial sand volleyball court in the courtyard of the dorm he'd lived in. I now send bar cookies (they pack better) to his former squadron (Squadron 15 War Eagles) to thank them for their continuing oversight of Bill's court. Additional cookies go to military personnel serving in difficult / dangerous locations.

Butter Brickle Bar
Chocolate Almond Meringue Bars
Chocolate Caramel Crunch Bars
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars
Glazed Fruit Bars
Peanut Butter Bars
Salted Nut Bars
Snowy Apricot Bars


Ground Hog Day Cookies 1


Ground Hog Day Cookies 2